Our First Fall Classes Are Live!!

Wheel, Handbuilding, Creative Collaborations, and More To Come!

Hello, dear Friends of the Staunton Clayground!

It has been about a month since our last newsletter, and there is a reason for that––it has also been just a little over a month since the launch of our Studio Membership program, which, while keeping us very busy, has been wonderful! What a difference it is to have all of our spaces buzzing with activity all the time. What was a place of possibilities and dreams has now also become a place full of creativity and joy, and we’ve been loving every moment of it!

In addition to all of that good fun, we have been working hard to line up some great classes and workshops for you for the fall. We’ve got a whole raft of handbuilding and wheel throwing classes and workshops, running from September through December! There is so much to tell you about… so let’s start at the beginning!

Can you feel the autumn on its way? We sure can, and we can’t wait to get started!

Our fall roster of workshops will be kicking off with something we are very excited about! We will be running a collaborative workshop with downtown Staunton’s very own Burrow & Vine, starting on Saturday, September 7!

Center photo by @octobergracemedia, top photo by Burrow & Vine

In Plant Pots and Macramé, over the course of four 2-hour sessions (Sat., Sept 7, and Sundays Sept. 8, 15 and 22 from 1:00–3:00 pm), you will first learn how to make your own handbuilt plant pot and then how to make a gorgeous macramé holder in which to display it. The first three sessions, hosted at Staunton Clayground, will cover every step of the process, from rolling out slabs of clay and adding texture to them to assembling and, finally, glazing. During the final session, hosted in Burrow & Vine’s beautiful second-floor classroom at 10 E. Beverley St., you will make the macramé hanger. Spots are limited, so claim yours now! No clay experience necessary.

If you are looking to dive deeper into handbuilding than just one workshop, then you’re in luck, because we have two handbuilding classes starting in September, one on Tuesday evenings and one on Wednesday mornings, to suit different schedules.

Photos (except for vase) by @octobergracemedia

In these two Introduction to Handbuilding classes, both first-time potters and those with some prior clay experience will explore some of the essential techniques of handbuilding, making several unique functional pieces to take home over the course of five 2.5-hours sessions. Participants will build confidence working with both soft and leather-hard clay, and explore a variety of surface texturing techniques. Projects will include a platter, a birdbath with bird sculpture, an angular vase, and a mug! We only have room for six students in each of these, so don’t wait too long to grab your spot! No prior experience with clay required.

Have you been waiting for a chance to try your hand at wheel throwing? Well, you’re in luck, because we have a full roster of wheel classes running all the way through the holidays, five in all!

Beginning on September 18, you can join our newest wheel teacher, Mary Tuttle (Welcome, Mary!), on Wednesday evenings, from 6–8 pm, for the first 12-hour (6-week) Pottery Wheel For All-Level Beginners class of the season.

Yes, these are all actual pieces made by actual Staunton Clayground students in prior wheel classes! How cool is that?

Have you always wanted to try your hand at throwing pottery on the wheel and never had a chance? Have you spent some time on the wheel but want an opportunity to gain confidence and hone your skills? Over the course of six 2-hour sessions, this class will focus on helping you to set achievable goals and make them into a reality! If you’re a little too busy to start in mid-September, this same Wednesday-evening 12-hour class will run for second time, so check out Pottery Wheel for All-Level Beginners starting on October 30! Absolute beginners welcome!

Are Wednesday evenings not good for you? Not to worry! We have more options. You can join one of two more Pottery Wheel for All-Level Beginners classes on either Thursday evenings or Sunday afternoons (a time we’ve had multiple requests for).

Yup! These are all our students’ creations, too! Isn’t that awesome?

Come and join instructor Valya Boutenko and learn to throw functional pottery on the wheel. Students will try their hand at centering clay and throwing basic forms such as cylinders and bowls. The class will focus on mastering simple throwing and trimming techniques and will cover pulling handles for mugs as well as glazing techniques. First-time beginners are welcome here, as well!

Are you ready to level up your wheel skills? Valya’s popular Beyond Basics On The Pottery Wheel class will be running on Tuesday evenings again this fall, starting on October 29.

Valya Boutenko’s own beautiful work

Beyond Basics is an intermediate class for students who are somewhat familiar with working on the wheel. The class is a good fit for students who can throw a basic cylinder and a simple bowl form. In this class, students will practice throwing plates as well as elegant, rounded vases. Together with Valya, they will be tackling the more challenging forms and incorporating design elements that add interest and make the work shine.

The good news? If you attend any of our classes starting this fall, everything you make in them will be ready for pick-up before the holidays!

The better news? We have even more workshops in the works! We are working on two polymer clay workshops before the end of the year, one for adults in October and one for kid-and-adult pairs in December. Look out for more about the first one in coming days! We are also working on a second collaboration with Burrow & Vine, and another co-workshop, this time with the Art Hive, Staunton’s “creative reuse and art center!” These will both be happening in the fall, and even more creative partnerships will be launching in 2025!

The best news? KIDS WORKSHOPS’ ARE FINALLY COMING! Yes, we are finally going to be rolling out our first workshops especially and exclusively for kids! We have partnered with some truly amazing local children’s art teachers to develop a series of fall and winter workshops, one in late September, two in October and one in November.

Keep watching this space, because news about all of those upcoming adults’ and kids’ workshops will be getting posted in coming days!

We are so excited for this marvelous fall and our very first holiday season!

See you soon at the Staunton Clayground. Let’s clay!